Topics at the ISD
The research interests of the Institute of Structural Mechanics and Dynamics in Aerospace Engineering (ISD) include structural mechanics and dynamics, research modelling, environmental mechanics and biomechanics, uncertainty and durability analysis, as well as measurement technology. Methodological foundations are the finite element analysis, homogenization methods, coupled multiscale and multiphase multiphysics modelling, model reduction, uncertainty analysis and artificial intelligence methods. The ISD has experimental mechanics (static and dynamic) laboratories in which fatigue and durability of porous media and biomaterials are studied. The institute has privileged access to HPC resources such as the Vulcan cluster (HLRS), Hawk (HLRS, Cray system, position 42 within the top 500), bwUniCluster 2.0 (KIT) and institutional servers (file and GPU). Moreover, the ISD is involved in the Cluster of Excellence "Data-Integrated Simulation Science (SimTech)" as well as in the DFG projects 312860381 (SPP 1886, subproject 12), 390740016 (Excellence Strategy EXC 2075/1, Project PN 2-2A), 465194077 (SPP 2311, project SimLivA), 463296570 (SPP 1158, project Antarctica) and the DFG Research Group 436883643 (FOR 5151 (QuaLiPerF), project P7).
N. N.